About us



Colombo South Campus being an intellect of Colombo South International College, Colombo South International College - AMI Montessori Schools, embarks 35 years of educational excellence in providing an accomplished education for Montessori, primary, secondary & advance-level students. The Colombo South Campus (CSC) offers you an opportunity to read for Degrees and Graduate Diplomas from leading universities in Western & Asian Countries that are of International Standard and reputed all at an affordable cost while studying in Sri Lanka. The qualification awarded will be the same as that of an undergraduate student who is reading for a degree in the UK or Australia. As a center of academic excellence for 35 years, CSC offers a wide range of renowned Degrees, Diplomas and Certificate programs to suit your specific needs. Moving forward with a vision of learn to serve, being the eminence of excellence in higher education sector, CSC will focus on not only disseminating knowledge but developing the required skills and attitudes to create a holistic individual who can face the future with utmost confidence in life. Inculcating a better knowledge in English Language exposure as the International Language, experience the differentiated mechanisms of practical learning and hands-on exposure in real world while being able to use what you learn to serve. Our well-experienced, eminent panel of faculty members will constantly guide you towards the path of success.


To become the elected private higher educational institution in the region & globe.


To subsidize to the wider world to search of education, research, knowledge transfer and service at the highest levels of superiority.

Our Values

Colombo South Campus, as leaders in education in Sri Lanka and globe, we are committed to generate justifiable, value worth, worldwide recognized education to serve the world, while implementing our core values, which have been maintained for the last three & half decades.

  • Inclusiveness
  • Accountability
  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Social Responsibility
  • Commitment to excellence
  • Professionalism
  • Respect & Compassion
  • Freedom of Expression
  • Lifelong Learning

Directors' Messages

Mr. M. de S. Wijekularatne
Chairman / Managing Director
Colombo South Campus

LLB (Hons.) University of London CIMA (UK)

“Turbulent changes, due to quick Movement in Globalization”

Chairman / Managing Director of COLOMBO SOUTH CAMPUS,

Emphasize the Position of Education in Globalization.

There is only one world, but it is widely divided. All nations share a common interest in the investment and development of education in their own contexts.

The one world has been undergoing tremendous, turbulent changes, due to the recent quick movement in globalization.

Education has essential functions of enhancing the development of individual, society and country in this role. Education provides opportunities for individuals to develop physically, intellectually, morally, socially, aesthetically and spiritually, to maximize their potentials and prepare them for the future.

Education facilitates the strengthening of a civil society, and enhances social justice, equity and cohesion to meet with the turbulent changes in globalization.

Education helps a nation inculcate civic and social responsibility among its citizens, develop capacity building, promote national integration, and enhance national competitiveness. Each country in the one world strives to establish an education system for the well-being and development of its generation, the society and the nation.

Colombo South Campus (CSC) being pioneers in education for the last three and half decades, has initiated the trail to vibrant success in global education for the nation, providing solutions to acknowledge higher ranks in the expected fields of vocation, with the motto of “Discite Servire” (Learn to Serve) locally and internationally.

I look forward to tribute the principal, Mr. B.A. Abeyrathna, Heads of the Faculties, CSC English Academy, CSC ICT Faculty, and the renowned panel of lecturers at CSC & the supporting staff members.

Thank you!

M. de S. Wijekularatne.

Mrs G.R. Wijekularatne
Founder Directress

A.M.I (St. Bridget’s)
Open University of Sri Lanka

“Integrates higher education in segregated academic fields, for the independent choice of the candidates, to access the globe.”

Elucidates the Founder Directress Mrs. G.R. Wijekularatne

Educational philosophy and practice fosters rigorous, self-motivated growth, for children and adolescents in all areas of their development such as physical, social, emotional and cognitive.

It emphasizes, the independence & choice, and understands that an innate interest to learn will happen in a suitable teaching-learning environment.

The Colombo South International College – AMI Montessori commenced the pathway before three and half decades and, Colombo South International College (CSIC) has succeeded in raising tremendous skillful youths to the nation.

As the comradeship of CSIC, Colombo South Campus (CSC), integrates higher education in segregated academic fields, to the independent choice of the candidates, to access the globe.

Under these circumstances, I take this opportunity to appreciate the hard work of the management, the principal, heads of faculties, renowned panel of lecturers and supporting staff of CSC.

Thank you!

Grashanthi Wijekularatne.

Mr. B. A. Abeyrathna
Principal of Colombo South Campus.

SLEAS Class I BA, MA, Dip. in Edu, Dip. in HRM
(Former Principal of Royal, Ananda, Thurstan, Kingswood)
International Diplomas in Education Canada & Japan

“Global competition results in an overall demand for higher skills in the population as a whole, and lifelong learning for all.”

Inspires the Principal of Colombo South Campus.

Global competition leads to a techno-economic shift. Such a shift results in unemployment in the short term but, to a higher standard of living and higher employment in the long term.

The arrival of a global society, will also proclaim that of a knowledge society.

The role of education is to enhance a nation’s productivity and competitiveness in the global environment. Colombo South Campus (CSC) foresees the challenges ahead, for most education systems and their success in worldwide.

The globalization of education involves the privileging of Western, most particularly English-language, culture in the one world.

CSC English Academy facilitate International English Language Teaching (IELT), Intensive English Language Course (IELC), certificate, diploma & higher diploma levels, which are counter folioed by the British Council & University Grant Commission (UGC).

The International Labor Organization (ILO) has been able to identify three different models of educational reforms such as competitiveness-driven reforms, finance-driven reforms, and equity-driven reforms.

These competitiveness-driven reforms are implemented in order to improve a country’s competitiveness in the world market and the major strategies include, improved management of educational resources and improved teacher recruitment and training.

In par with this requirement, CSC provides excellence service to the nation, through the Faculty of Education, by implementing undergraduate & postgraduate teacher training and educational management programmes which lead to several job opportunities in the job market local and international.

I take this opportunity to compliment the CSC Heads of Faculties, renowned Lecturers & Supporting Staff Members.

Thank you!

B.A. Abeyrathna.

Mrs. Sharmini Goonewardene
Head of Education Faculty

BA (Social Sciences), PGD (Special Needs Education), M.Ed. (Education)
M.Ed. (Special Needs Education), TKT (Cambridge University).

"Welcome to the Faculty of Education,
the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy."

Head of Education Faculty

Our mission is to provide local, national, and international leadership in discipline-based and inter disciplinary approaches to teaching situations.

CSC certificate, diploma, higher diploma, graduate, post-graduate diploma and masters programs offer opportunities for students to specialize in segregated fields, such as education, teacher education, special needs education, complexity science & education, library education, language education, health & health allied education, home economics, social studies, nutrition, sustainability education, studies in historical consciousness, digital media & technologies, engineering, science & technology, financial & cost accounting, and economics.

We endeavor to prepare professionals in the fields of education. This responsibility is realized by the commitment to three important areas.

First, through the provision of an environment that is encouraging and nurturing where students learn, interact, and collaborate in a robust learning and teaching environment.

Secondly, by getting students engage in research with faculty that enhances learning and creates new models of thinking and knowledge.

Finally, by creating an environment that students engage in practical and community-oriented learning via activities associated with classroom and co-curricular activities.

The faculty offers courses within programs that meet the needs of our diverse student population in fast changing global context. Our classes are held on faculty in an innovative and creative face-to-face format, online, in a hybrid model, and face-to-face at off-campus.

The department believes that education is our best hope for the future and endorses the quote from our founding champion: “Whoever touches the life of a child, touches the most sensitive point of a whole, which has roots in the most distant past and climbs towards the infinite future” (Dr. Maria Montessori, 1870 –1952).

I take this opportunity to thank the management for the tremendous support & advises given to the faculty, the principal for his valuable guidance & advises, the eminent panel of lecturers for their updated knowledge & contribution, nonacademic staff members and supporting staff for the incredible support.

Thank you

Sharmini Goonewardene

Some of our school events